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  • #0 BaseEnum->ListOptions(CountryISO2='US' ) called at [/var/www/vhosts/f2w.site/httpdocs/cls/countries.cls.php:55] #1 EnumCountries->CountryIdByISO2Code(US) called at [/var/www/vhosts/f2w.site/httpdocs/inc/geoip/geoip.inc.php:135] #2 GeoIP::GetGeoIPCountryID() called at [/var/www/vhosts/f2w.site/httpdocs/cls/products.cls.php:4724] #3 ProductPrices::GetProductPriceItem(ProductListingItem Object ([CreatedDateTime] => 2023-05-26 16:10:59,[ModifiedDateTime] => 2023-05-26 16:11:43,[CategoryID1] => 6,[CategoryID2] => 0,[ItemName] => Kingstar Metallic Embroidery Thread Mint Green,[ItemCode] => MA11,[ItemDesc] =>

    1000m of Metallic Mint Green thread.

    Made in Japan by Kingstar, this metallic embroidery thread is extremely high quailty, giving excellent stitched results. The threads flow quickly and smoothly through your machine minimising the risk of the thread breaking. 

    Here at Quilter's Trading Post we use this excellent thread successfully on our Gammill Long-Arm Quilting Machines as well as our domestic sewing machines, including machine Satin Stitching. Pam recommends using a metallic needle in your machine with this thread (infact she always uses a metallic needle as it's large eye is easier to thread).


    ,[ItemShortDesc] => ,[ItemPrice] => 12,[ItemSalePrice] => 0,[ItemCostPrice] => 0,[ItemWholeSalePrice] => ,[ItemWholeSaleMinQty] => ,[ItemMainImage] => main_434_kingstar-ma11.jpg,[ItemThumbImage] => ,[ItemLargeImage] => ,[AdditionalText] => ,[AdditionalTextCaption] => ,[ItemWeight] => 0,[ItemStock] => 4,[IsTypeWomen] => ,[IsTypeTeen] => ,[IsTypeGirl] => ,[IsTypeBaby] => ,[StockControl] => Default,[ManufacturerCode] => ,[ShipBy] => ,[ShippingClassId] => 0,[ShippingCostOther] => 0,[AllowPreOrder] => 0,[ShowMinStockQuantity] => 0,[AvailabilityText] => ,[IsFeatured] => ,[Keywords] => ,[GalleryLinkCaption] => ,[GalleryText] => ,[SizeFieldCaption] => Size,[ColorFieldCaption] => Colour,[CustomField1Caption] => ,[CustomField2Caption] => ,[CustomField3Caption] => ,[SizeFieldControl] => ,[ColorFieldControl] => ,[CustomField1Control] => ,[CustomField2Control] => ,[CustomField3Control] => ,[SizeFieldShow] => 0,[ColorFieldShow] => 0,[CustomField1Optional] => ,[CustomField2Optional] => ,[CustomField3Optional] => ,[Options] => ,[DefaultSubProductID] => ,[SizeGuideId] => ,[ShowPersonalisation] => ,[Notes] => ,[Visible] => 1,[Priority] => 0,[PageTitle] => ,[MetaKeywords] => ,[MetaDescription] => ,[CatName] => ,[CatID] => ,[ImgDir] => product/,[CurrencyItem] => ,[CustomerItem] => ,[Cart] => ,[tableName] => products,[tableFields] => DISTINCT p.*,[tableJoin] => products p LEFT JOIN categories c ON (p.CategoryID1=c.id) LEFT JOIN products_categories pc ON (p.id=pc.ProductID) ,[tableLetter] => p,[id] => 434,[AutoInsertMissingRecords] => ,[ImagePathRoot] => ,[PrimaryField] => ItemName,[SiteID] => 0,[LanguageID] => 0,[ParentProductID] => 0,[ParentItemCode] => ,[SetParentProductID] => 0,[ProductTypeCategoryID] => 0,[PageName] => ma11.html,[AdditionalItemDesc] => ,[ItemRRPPrice] => 0,[ItemPriceRangeMin] => 0,[ItemPriceRangeMax] => 0,[ItemIsOnSale] => 0,[ItemPackageSize] => 0,[ItemPackageSizeText] => ,[ItemType] => Product,[MinPurchaseQuantity] => 0,[MaxPurchaseQuantity] => 0,[Material] => ,[Brand] => Kingstar,[ItemColour] => ,[Barcode] => 00000433,[CustomerPointsAvailable] => Inherit,[CustomerPoints] => 0,[Manufacturer] => ,[WarehouseLocation] => ,[ShippingAllowFree] => 0,[AllowOutOfStockPurchase] => 0,[ItemInStock] => 4,[ItemStockMinLevel] => 0,[ItemStockSuggestedLevel] => 0,[HasSubProducts] => 0,[SubProductListID] => 0,[ChildProductMode] => None,[RelatedProductMode] => Automatic,[Warehouse] => ,[CommodityCode] => ,[CountryOfManufacture] => ,[ItemWidth] => 0,[ItemHeight] => 0,[ItemDepth] => 0,[EstimatedArrivalDate] => 0000-00-00,[Featured] => 0,[Featured2] => 0,[CustomerMessageTextTitle] => ,[DefaultSupplierID] => 0,[DefaultSupplierCache] => ,[GiftWrapAvailable] => No,[GiftWrapPrice] => 10,[GiftWrapUnit] => Unit,[TaxStatus] => Inherit,[DiscountsAllowed] => 1,[PromoNoPriceCoupons] => 0,[PromoNoShippingCoupons] => 0,[DigitalDownloadFile] => ,[ShowForCustomerGroupIDs] => ,[IsSoldOut] => ,[ProductVisibleCache] => 1,[IsComingSoon] => 0,[IsPreOrder] => 0,[Discontinued] => 0,[ItemColor] => ,[ItemHexColor] => ,[ItemPriceAdjusment] => 0,[ItemSize] => 1000m,[VarItemSuffixCode] => ,[ItemPriceType] => ,[CategoryShowInListCache] => 0,[OldSubProductID] => 0,[VariationSizeCache] => ,[VariationColorCache] => ,[VariationItemCodeCache] => ,[ShowVariationsInListing] => 0,[InSync] => 1,[SubProductListOptionID] => 0,[PurchaseDate] => 0000-00-00,[SharedProductID] => 0,[Deleted] => 0,[SoldBy] => piece,[ItemLabour] => 0.00,[ItemProfit] => 0,[Material1] => ,[Material2] => ,[IsDigital] => 0,[CustomerProductCustomisation] => Inherit,[CustomerProductCustomisationData] => ), 0, 1, ) called at [/var/www/vhosts/f2w.site/httpdocs/cls/products.cls.php:4743] #4 ProductPrices::ApplyProductPrice(ProductListingItem Object ([CreatedDateTime] => 2023-05-26 16:10:59,[ModifiedDateTime] => 2023-05-26 16:11:43,[CategoryID1] => 6,[CategoryID2] => 0,[ItemName] => Kingstar Metallic Embroidery Thread Mint Green,[ItemCode] => MA11,[ItemDesc] =>

    1000m of Metallic Mint Green thread.

    Made in Japan by Kingstar, this metallic embroidery thread is extremely high quailty, giving excellent stitched results. The threads flow quickly and smoothly through your machine minimising the risk of the thread breaking. 

    Here at Quilter's Trading Post we use this excellent thread successfully on our Gammill Long-Arm Quilting Machines as well as our domestic sewing machines, including machine Satin Stitching. Pam recommends using a metallic needle in your machine with this thread (infact she always uses a metallic needle as it's large eye is easier to thread).


    ,[ItemShortDesc] => ,[ItemPrice] => 12,[ItemSalePrice] => 0,[ItemCostPrice] => 0,[ItemWholeSalePrice] => ,[ItemWholeSaleMinQty] => ,[ItemMainImage] => main_434_kingstar-ma11.jpg,[ItemThumbImage] => ,[ItemLargeImage] => ,[AdditionalText] => ,[AdditionalTextCaption] => ,[ItemWeight] => 0,[ItemStock] => 4,[IsTypeWomen] => ,[IsTypeTeen] => ,[IsTypeGirl] => ,[IsTypeBaby] => ,[StockControl] => Default,[ManufacturerCode] => ,[ShipBy] => ,[ShippingClassId] => 0,[ShippingCostOther] => 0,[AllowPreOrder] => 0,[ShowMinStockQuantity] => 0,[AvailabilityText] => ,[IsFeatured] => ,[Keywords] => ,[GalleryLinkCaption] => ,[GalleryText] => ,[SizeFieldCaption] => Size,[ColorFieldCaption] => Colour,[CustomField1Caption] => ,[CustomField2Caption] => ,[CustomField3Caption] => ,[SizeFieldControl] => ,[ColorFieldControl] => ,[CustomField1Control] => ,[CustomField2Control] => ,[CustomField3Control] => ,[SizeFieldShow] => 0,[ColorFieldShow] => 0,[CustomField1Optional] => ,[CustomField2Optional] => ,[CustomField3Optional] => ,[Options] => ,[DefaultSubProductID] => ,[SizeGuideId] => ,[ShowPersonalisation] => ,[Notes] => ,[Visible] => 1,[Priority] => 0,[PageTitle] => ,[MetaKeywords] => ,[MetaDescription] => ,[CatName] => ,[CatID] => ,[ImgDir] => product/,[CurrencyItem] => ,[CustomerItem] => ,[Cart] => ,[tableName] => products,[tableFields] => DISTINCT p.*,[tableJoin] => products p LEFT JOIN categories c ON (p.CategoryID1=c.id) LEFT JOIN products_categories pc ON (p.id=pc.ProductID) ,[tableLetter] => p,[id] => 434,[AutoInsertMissingRecords] => ,[ImagePathRoot] => ,[PrimaryField] => ItemName,[SiteID] => 0,[LanguageID] => 0,[ParentProductID] => 0,[ParentItemCode] => ,[SetParentProductID] => 0,[ProductTypeCategoryID] => 0,[PageName] => ma11.html,[AdditionalItemDesc] => ,[ItemRRPPrice] => 0,[ItemPriceRangeMin] => 0,[ItemPriceRangeMax] => 0,[ItemIsOnSale] => 0,[ItemPackageSize] => 0,[ItemPackageSizeText] => ,[ItemType] => Product,[MinPurchaseQuantity] => 0,[MaxPurchaseQuantity] => 0,[Material] => ,[Brand] => Kingstar,[ItemColour] => ,[Barcode] => 00000433,[CustomerPointsAvailable] => Inherit,[CustomerPoints] => 0,[Manufacturer] => ,[WarehouseLocation] => ,[ShippingAllowFree] => 0,[AllowOutOfStockPurchase] => 0,[ItemInStock] => 4,[ItemStockMinLevel] => 0,[ItemStockSuggestedLevel] => 0,[HasSubProducts] => 0,[SubProductListID] => 0,[ChildProductMode] => None,[RelatedProductMode] => Automatic,[Warehouse] => ,[CommodityCode] => ,[CountryOfManufacture] => ,[ItemWidth] => 0,[ItemHeight] => 0,[ItemDepth] => 0,[EstimatedArrivalDate] => 0000-00-00,[Featured] => 0,[Featured2] => 0,[CustomerMessageTextTitle] => ,[DefaultSupplierID] => 0,[DefaultSupplierCache] => ,[GiftWrapAvailable] => No,[GiftWrapPrice] => 10,[GiftWrapUnit] => Unit,[TaxStatus] => Inherit,[DiscountsAllowed] => 1,[PromoNoPriceCoupons] => 0,[PromoNoShippingCoupons] => 0,[DigitalDownloadFile] => ,[ShowForCustomerGroupIDs] => ,[IsSoldOut] => ,[ProductVisibleCache] => 1,[IsComingSoon] => 0,[IsPreOrder] => 0,[Discontinued] => 0,[ItemColor] => ,[ItemHexColor] => ,[ItemPriceAdjusment] => 0,[ItemSize] => 1000m,[VarItemSuffixCode] => ,[ItemPriceType] => ,[CategoryShowInListCache] => 0,[OldSubProductID] => 0,[VariationSizeCache] => ,[VariationColorCache] => ,[VariationItemCodeCache] => ,[ShowVariationsInListing] => 0,[InSync] => 1,[SubProductListOptionID] => 0,[PurchaseDate] => 0000-00-00,[SharedProductID] => 0,[Deleted] => 0,[SoldBy] => piece,[ItemLabour] => 0.00,[ItemProfit] => 0,[Material1] => ,[Material2] => ,[IsDigital] => 0,[CustomerProductCustomisation] => Inherit,[CustomerProductCustomisationData] => ), 12, , 1) called at [/var/www/vhosts/f2w.site/httpdocs/cls/products.cls.php:1849] #5 ProductItem->FinalItemPrice(1, , 1, 1, ) called at [/var/www/vhosts/f2w.site/httpdocs/cls/products.cls.php:2176] #6 ProductItem->FormatFinalItemPrice() called at [/var/www/vhosts/f2w.site/httpdocs/themes/site/quilters/templates/shop/inc/product_list_content.inc.php:97] #7 include(/var/www/vhosts/f2w.site/httpdocs/themes/site/quilters/templates/shop/inc/product_list_content.inc.php) called at [/var/www/vhosts/f2w.site/httpdocs/themes/site/quilters/templates/shop/product_list.php:112] #8 include(/var/www/vhosts/f2w.site/httpdocs/themes/site/quilters/templates/shop/product_list.php) called at [/var/www/vhosts/f2w.site/httpdocs/product_list.php:77] Unable to list enums