
Soft Toy Patterns



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  • £8.00 #0 BaseEnum->ListOptions(CountryISO2='US' ) called at [/var/www/vhosts/f2w.site/httpdocs/cls/countries.cls.php:55] #1 EnumCountries->CountryIdByISO2Code(US) called at [/var/www/vhosts/f2w.site/httpdocs/inc/geoip/geoip.inc.php:135] #2 GeoIP::GetGeoIPCountryID() called at [/var/www/vhosts/f2w.site/httpdocs/cls/products.cls.php:4724] #3 ProductPrices::GetProductPriceItem(ProductListingItem Object ([CreatedDateTime] => 2022-07-28 22:38:34,[ModifiedDateTime] => 2024-01-12 09:29:14,[CategoryID1] => 17,[CategoryID2] => 13,[ItemName] => Lurkey the Turkey Pattern,[ItemCode] => QTP-STP-LTT,[ItemDesc] =>

    Lurkey loves to play dress-up and flash his feathers at all the parties, he's a great ornament for christmas, thanksgiving, autumn, easter..... or if you love him enough all year round.

    He's a very chivalrous bird, and will hold your door open for hours on end (meaning he makes a great doopstop if weighted enough).

    With step by step directions, diagrams and full-sized paper patterns you're ready to start cooking up a meat free turkey right away. Lurkey is made of just 4 fat quarters of fabric.

    He is no small chap standing approx 12" high.


    ,[ItemShortDesc] => ,[ItemPrice] => 8,[ItemSalePrice] => 0,[ItemCostPrice] => 0,[ItemWholeSalePrice] => ,[ItemWholeSaleMinQty] => ,[ItemMainImage] => main_165_cover-photo-sq.jpg,[ItemThumbImage] => ,[ItemLargeImage] => ,[AdditionalText] => ,[AdditionalTextCaption] => ,[ItemWeight] => 0,[ItemStock] => 92,[IsTypeWomen] => ,[IsTypeTeen] => ,[IsTypeGirl] => ,[IsTypeBaby] => ,[StockControl] => Default,[ManufacturerCode] => ,[ShipBy] => ,[ShippingClassId] => 0,[ShippingCostOther] => 0,[AllowPreOrder] => 0,[ShowMinStockQuantity] => 0,[AvailabilityText] => ,[IsFeatured] => ,[Keywords] => ,[GalleryLinkCaption] => ,[GalleryText] => ,[SizeFieldCaption] => Size,[ColorFieldCaption] => Color,[CustomField1Caption] => ,[CustomField2Caption] => ,[CustomField3Caption] => ,[SizeFieldControl] => ,[ColorFieldControl] => ,[CustomField1Control] => ,[CustomField2Control] => ,[CustomField3Control] => ,[SizeFieldShow] => 0,[ColorFieldShow] => 0,[CustomField1Optional] => ,[CustomField2Optional] => ,[CustomField3Optional] => ,[Options] => ,[DefaultSubProductID] => ,[SizeGuideId] => ,[ShowPersonalisation] => ,[Notes] => ,[Visible] => 1,[Priority] => 0,[PageTitle] => ,[MetaKeywords] => ,[MetaDescription] => ,[CatName] => ,[CatID] => ,[ImgDir] => product/,[CurrencyItem] => ,[CustomerItem] => ,[Cart] => ,[tableName] => products,[tableFields] => DISTINCT p.*,[tableJoin] => products p LEFT JOIN categories c ON (p.CategoryID1=c.id) LEFT JOIN products_categories pc ON (p.id=pc.ProductID) ,[tableLetter] => p,[id] => 165,[AutoInsertMissingRecords] => ,[ImagePathRoot] => ,[PrimaryField] => ItemName,[SiteID] => 0,[LanguageID] => 0,[ParentProductID] => 0,[ParentItemCode] => ,[SetParentProductID] => 0,[ProductTypeCategoryID] => 0,[PageName] => qtp-stp-ltt.html,[AdditionalItemDesc] => ,[ItemRRPPrice] => 0,[ItemPriceRangeMin] => 10,[ItemPriceRangeMax] => 10,[ItemIsOnSale] => 0,[ItemPackageSize] => 0,[ItemPackageSizeText] => ,[ItemType] => Product,[MinPurchaseQuantity] => 0,[MaxPurchaseQuantity] => 0,[Material] => ,[Brand] => ,[ItemColour] => ,[Barcode] => ,[CustomerPointsAvailable] => Inherit,[CustomerPoints] => 0,[Manufacturer] => ,[WarehouseLocation] => ,[ShippingAllowFree] => 0,[AllowOutOfStockPurchase] => 1,[ItemInStock] => 92,[ItemStockMinLevel] => 1,[ItemStockSuggestedLevel] => 0,[HasSubProducts] => 0,[SubProductListID] => 1,[ChildProductMode] => None,[RelatedProductMode] => Automatic,[Warehouse] => ,[CommodityCode] => ,[CountryOfManufacture] => ,[ItemWidth] => 0,[ItemHeight] => 0,[ItemDepth] => 0,[EstimatedArrivalDate] => 0000-00-00,[Featured] => 0,[Featured2] => 0,[CustomerMessageTextTitle] => ,[DefaultSupplierID] => 0,[DefaultSupplierCache] => ,[GiftWrapAvailable] => No,[GiftWrapPrice] => 0,[GiftWrapUnit] => Unit,[TaxStatus] => Inherit,[DiscountsAllowed] => 0,[PromoNoPriceCoupons] => 0,[PromoNoShippingCoupons] => 0,[DigitalDownloadFile] => ,[ShowForCustomerGroupIDs] => ,[IsSoldOut] => ,[ProductVisibleCache] => 1,[IsComingSoon] => 0,[IsPreOrder] => 0,[Discontinued] => 0,[ItemColor] => ,[ItemHexColor] => ,[ItemPriceAdjusment] => 0,[ItemSize] => ,[VarItemSuffixCode] => ,[ItemPriceType] => ,[CategoryShowInListCache] => 0,[OldSubProductID] => 0,[VariationSizeCache] => ,[VariationColorCache] => ,[VariationItemCodeCache] => ,[ShowVariationsInListing] => 0,[InSync] => 1,[SubProductListOptionID] => 0,[PurchaseDate] => 0000-00-00,[SharedProductID] => 0,[Deleted] => 0,[SoldBy] => piece,[ItemLabour] => 0.00,[ItemProfit] => 0,[Material1] => ,[Material2] => ,[IsDigital] => 0,[CustomerProductCustomisation] => Inherit,[CustomerProductCustomisationData] => ), 0, 1, ) called at [/var/www/vhosts/f2w.site/httpdocs/cls/products.cls.php:4743] #4 ProductPrices::ApplyProductPrice(ProductListingItem Object ([CreatedDateTime] => 2022-07-28 22:38:34,[ModifiedDateTime] => 2024-01-12 09:29:14,[CategoryID1] => 17,[CategoryID2] => 13,[ItemName] => Lurkey the Turkey Pattern,[ItemCode] => QTP-STP-LTT,[ItemDesc] =>

    Lurkey loves to play dress-up and flash his feathers at all the parties, he's a great ornament for christmas, thanksgiving, autumn, easter..... or if you love him enough all year round.

    He's a very chivalrous bird, and will hold your door open for hours on end (meaning he makes a great doopstop if weighted enough).

    With step by step directions, diagrams and full-sized paper patterns you're ready to start cooking up a meat free turkey right away. Lurkey is made of just 4 fat quarters of fabric.

    He is no small chap standing approx 12" high.


    ,[ItemShortDesc] => ,[ItemPrice] => 8,[ItemSalePrice] => 0,[ItemCostPrice] => 0,[ItemWholeSalePrice] => ,[ItemWholeSaleMinQty] => ,[ItemMainImage] => main_165_cover-photo-sq.jpg,[ItemThumbImage] => ,[ItemLargeImage] => ,[AdditionalText] => ,[AdditionalTextCaption] => ,[ItemWeight] => 0,[ItemStock] => 92,[IsTypeWomen] => ,[IsTypeTeen] => ,[IsTypeGirl] => ,[IsTypeBaby] => ,[StockControl] => Default,[ManufacturerCode] => ,[ShipBy] => ,[ShippingClassId] => 0,[ShippingCostOther] => 0,[AllowPreOrder] => 0,[ShowMinStockQuantity] => 0,[AvailabilityText] => ,[IsFeatured] => ,[Keywords] => ,[GalleryLinkCaption] => ,[GalleryText] => ,[SizeFieldCaption] => Size,[ColorFieldCaption] => Color,[CustomField1Caption] => ,[CustomField2Caption] => ,[CustomField3Caption] => ,[SizeFieldControl] => ,[ColorFieldControl] => ,[CustomField1Control] => ,[CustomField2Control] => ,[CustomField3Control] => ,[SizeFieldShow] => 0,[ColorFieldShow] => 0,[CustomField1Optional] => ,[CustomField2Optional] => ,[CustomField3Optional] => ,[Options] => ,[DefaultSubProductID] => ,[SizeGuideId] => ,[ShowPersonalisation] => ,[Notes] => ,[Visible] => 1,[Priority] => 0,[PageTitle] => ,[MetaKeywords] => ,[MetaDescription] => ,[CatName] => ,[CatID] => ,[ImgDir] => product/,[CurrencyItem] => ,[CustomerItem] => ,[Cart] => ,[tableName] => products,[tableFields] => DISTINCT p.*,[tableJoin] => products p LEFT JOIN categories c ON (p.CategoryID1=c.id) LEFT JOIN products_categories pc ON (p.id=pc.ProductID) ,[tableLetter] => p,[id] => 165,[AutoInsertMissingRecords] => ,[ImagePathRoot] => ,[PrimaryField] => ItemName,[SiteID] => 0,[LanguageID] => 0,[ParentProductID] => 0,[ParentItemCode] => ,[SetParentProductID] => 0,[ProductTypeCategoryID] => 0,[PageName] => qtp-stp-ltt.html,[AdditionalItemDesc] => ,[ItemRRPPrice] => 0,[ItemPriceRangeMin] => 10,[ItemPriceRangeMax] => 10,[ItemIsOnSale] => 0,[ItemPackageSize] => 0,[ItemPackageSizeText] => ,[ItemType] => Product,[MinPurchaseQuantity] => 0,[MaxPurchaseQuantity] => 0,[Material] => ,[Brand] => ,[ItemColour] => ,[Barcode] => ,[CustomerPointsAvailable] => Inherit,[CustomerPoints] => 0,[Manufacturer] => ,[WarehouseLocation] => ,[ShippingAllowFree] => 0,[AllowOutOfStockPurchase] => 1,[ItemInStock] => 92,[ItemStockMinLevel] => 1,[ItemStockSuggestedLevel] => 0,[HasSubProducts] => 0,[SubProductListID] => 1,[ChildProductMode] => None,[RelatedProductMode] => Automatic,[Warehouse] => ,[CommodityCode] => ,[CountryOfManufacture] => ,[ItemWidth] => 0,[ItemHeight] => 0,[ItemDepth] => 0,[EstimatedArrivalDate] => 0000-00-00,[Featured] => 0,[Featured2] => 0,[CustomerMessageTextTitle] => ,[DefaultSupplierID] => 0,[DefaultSupplierCache] => ,[GiftWrapAvailable] => No,[GiftWrapPrice] => 0,[GiftWrapUnit] => Unit,[TaxStatus] => Inherit,[DiscountsAllowed] => 0,[PromoNoPriceCoupons] => 0,[PromoNoShippingCoupons] => 0,[DigitalDownloadFile] => ,[ShowForCustomerGroupIDs] => ,[IsSoldOut] => ,[ProductVisibleCache] => 1,[IsComingSoon] => 0,[IsPreOrder] => 0,[Discontinued] => 0,[ItemColor] => ,[ItemHexColor] => ,[ItemPriceAdjusment] => 0,[ItemSize] => ,[VarItemSuffixCode] => ,[ItemPriceType] => ,[CategoryShowInListCache] => 0,[OldSubProductID] => 0,[VariationSizeCache] => ,[VariationColorCache] => ,[VariationItemCodeCache] => ,[ShowVariationsInListing] => 0,[InSync] => 1,[SubProductListOptionID] => 0,[PurchaseDate] => 0000-00-00,[SharedProductID] => 0,[Deleted] => 0,[SoldBy] => piece,[ItemLabour] => 0.00,[ItemProfit] => 0,[Material1] => ,[Material2] => ,[IsDigital] => 0,[CustomerProductCustomisation] => Inherit,[CustomerProductCustomisationData] => ), 8, , 1) called at [/var/www/vhosts/f2w.site/httpdocs/cls/products.cls.php:1849] #5 ProductItem->FinalItemPrice() called at [/var/www/vhosts/f2w.site/httpdocs/themes/site/quilters/templates/shop/inc/product_list_content.inc.php:98] #6 include(/var/www/vhosts/f2w.site/httpdocs/themes/site/quilters/templates/shop/inc/product_list_content.inc.php) called at [/var/www/vhosts/f2w.site/httpdocs/themes/site/quilters/templates/shop/product_list.php:112] #7 include(/var/www/vhosts/f2w.site/httpdocs/themes/site/quilters/templates/shop/product_list.php) called at [/var/www/vhosts/f2w.site/httpdocs/product_list.php:77] Unable to list enums